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Hi there. Just need some Advice please. I’m constantly tired!!!! Sick of feelin…

Hi there. Just need some
Advice please.

I’m constantly tired!!!! Sick of feeling like this. I do only a 4 hour shift a day atm due to having a young child. I’ve tried sleeping 6 hours. Still tired. 8 hours and still tired then yesterday I slept from 7:30pm until 9am the next day and still tired through the day!!! (My daughter is a good sleeper too and lies in most mornings) and always hungry too no matter what. I’m not overweight at 5ft8 and 10 stone.

When my daughter starts nursery in jan I want to do full time hours but how can I when I’m always tired!!! It’s so frustrating. Please can anyone suggest anything for me? Thanks x


13 thoughts on “Hi there. Just need some Advice please. I’m constantly tired!!!! Sick of feelin…

  • Can you reply please… I had a thyroid problem when I was 16. I had an under active thyroid for 2/3 years and it levelled itself out and didn’t need to take medication anymore… 5 years later could it have came back? I was constantly ill when I had thyroid problems before but not it’s like that anymore just constantly tired without being ill x

  • I have this exact issue! I have been to the doctors and they checked my thyroid and for diabetes but it’s neither of this issues. I’m feeling frustrated like yourself as I don’t understand why I’m so tired all the time, it doesn’t matter how much sleep I get it’s never enough 😔

  • I’m exactly like you have been for a few years now, all my blood tests came back clear! Go to your gp hopefully you get sorted it’s a horrible feeling I feel so drained every single day x

  • Get all your bloods checked. Especially vitamin D and B12. If all tests come back negative you could have m.e/Cfs. This is what happened to me. I really hope it’s not but please get your bloods done asap. Good luck

  • I’m feeling like this constantly too. I’m going to head to the GP next week for some blood tests – you should too. You might just need some iron capsules to give you a little lift

  • Go and see your gp I have recently been and am now on iron tablets and thyroid tablets they should give you a blood test x

  • Go to your GP and have blood tests done, lack of iron can make you very tired x


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