Hi there. Was wondering if you could post this for me for advice. I have a 6 …
Hi there.
Was wondering if you could post this for me for advice.
I have a 6 year old boy and he is in year 2 at school. Few weeks ago teacher came and spoke with me and said she thinks my son has additional needs as he is behind in class. Working at year 1 level. I explained he was a prem baby and really he should have been in year 1 if he was born when he was supposed to be. I said that it’s unfair to presume he has special needs (bearing in mind I have an 11 year old girl who has special needs so I know the traits). She said she also thinks he needs a hearing test as he doesn’t listen to the teachers. He hears everything I say to him so I just ignored what the teachers were saying as I get the feeling she’s just looking for any excuse to moan about my child. Today I collected him from school and she told me the school nurse did a hearing test (I was aware she was coming in) and he failed in both ears. Now I feel like a right idiot moaning at the teachers. Do u think it’s possible for a child to mess the test up so it comes back failed? He has been referred to audiology now Thanks xx