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Hi was just after a bit of advice… so I’ve been working asda (deli counters) s…

Hi was just after a bit of advice… so I’ve been working asda (deli counters) since September. About a month or 2 into me working me and my daughter caught a sickness and diarrhoea bug I felt bad for calling in sick but I was ill and my daughter also needed me to tend to her needs. This was all fine when I went back, was only off for the one day I just filled some forms in and all was fine….
Anyhow since since Xmas day me and my family have been extremely poorly with a Flu, and by flu I don’t just mean a cold I mean extremely poorly.
I worked last Wednesday and I felt so ill, our team leader saw how I’ll I was I was coughing that much I was sick and also lost control over my bladder, I was in a right state. The next day I was due to go to work but I felt as bad as I did before I phoned to speak to my boss and explained how bad I was her reply was “if you don’t come in you’ll loose your job” which to my dismay I was totally anxious and scarred about loosing my job and I was actually going to go in as I didn’t want to loose my job. Later on in the day I began coughing blood which obviously scared me so my partner demanded I saw my GP who said I was very poorly and unfit for work I have a sick note….
So phone my work back up and speak to manager who says even though I have a sick note I will still loose my job as HR will see it as 2 absences.
I was under the impression the probation period is for 12 weeks which the first absence would be classed in but I’ve been there 15 weeks now so this illness wouldn’t come under the probation would it? Any help I would be so grateful, it’s so unfortunate I’ve got this as I quite enjoy the job but I’ve got to say this flu is the worst thing by far I gave ever experienced never felt so I’ll…..


13 thoughts on “Hi was just after a bit of advice… so I’ve been working asda (deli counters) s…

  • Hi could you respond to the lady that works for asda and had time off. I work there too and its highly unlikely they will sack you, when you do return to work your section leader or manager will do a return to work form with you and thats it. They cant sack you for being sick. Have you had all of your ten min reviews? You should be fine. We had a guy who calls in sick at least twice a week from the week he started and he has still got a job lol. Dont worry and just speak to your section leader xx

  • …. just something that worries me about this…. you work in a deli counter , so near food , u should be clear of all sickness for 48 hours before going back!!!!! That’s like a health n safety thing there!

  • Have you joined the workers union in Asda they are fantastic and your boss should not be making treats like that it’s illegal. Go join the union they will sort everything for you

  • They cannot sack you for being ‘unfit’
    If they do you could possibly look into unfair dismissal..
    If u have been deemed unfit too work they cannot make u go in and really i shouldn’t be around any food that’s being served to the public whilst in this state in unhealthy.. have a look at health and safety x

  • No they cannot do that! U would have to have had continued absences and been spoken to formally about it before they can just get rid of u. Have u have ur employment confirmed as u r outside of the probation period? Or more importantly have they extended it? If not, by default u r a permanent member of staff and they would therefore have to follow their absence policy….which certainly won’t be sack u with a sick note!! What I would do is speak up a member of hr when u go back and tell them what ur manager said to u….as I’m sure they won’t be too happy with it!!

  • If you are under probation they will look at other ways to get rid of you however under H&M’s you must be 48 hours of sickness or diarrhoea before work big with food and the fact you have a sick line means you are covered as well xx

  • It depends on there probationary process in my work they do 12 weeks probation and if u r absent or not hitting targets then they can extend it for 4 weeks
    If they feel u are not right for the business or not up to their standard then they can terminate your contract without any legal action against them but only within the probationary period

  • I wouldn’t want to work there anyway! Sound a right bunch of twats to be honest. Hope your feeling better x

  • Ur union in asda is usdaw join them u are covered by them from the day u join and will give u plenty of advice and help

  • Phone acas. They can’t just sack you they have specific procedures they have to follow


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