Hiya can I have a ppp just looking for some advice on starting to work, so I be…
Hiya can I have a ppp 😊 just looking for some advice on starting to work, so I became a mum at 15, I finished school and got decent grades in my gcses, I have a diploma in health and social care level 1 and 2. I’m now 21 with a 5 year old, 2 year old and 6 month old! I have done odd jobs in between but nothing permanent. I really want to start working as I can’t stand being on benefits and my partners unable to work. I’d love to be a carer working with the elderly I just have no idea how to go about it 🤔 I haven’t even got a c.v 🙈 i want to provide for my children properly and have a career in something I would enjoy doing! Any advice welcome! I literally don’t have a clue where to start? I don’t even know if you need specific qualifications 🙈 I’ve always wanted to rather be a carer or a midwife but ATM there is no jobs at all in my area as a midwife and training is extremely expensive! has anyone got any advice? T.i.a