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Hiya can I have a private post please. I’m literally at my whits end with my 16 …

Hiya can I have a private post please.
I’m literally at my whits end with my 16 month old. He just cries and screams constantly! He hits me in the face, pulls my hair and bites! And he knows exactly what he’s doing and knows it’s wrong because he gives me that look when he does it! He throws toys, plates and his food. I don’t ever go out any more with him because he is such hard work. He just whinges all the time and I always feel like people are judging me. I’ve tried loads of ways to discipline him but nothing is working! I find myself crying at least once a day because he is just so naughty! I have a 5 year old and he was never like this he was an absolute pleasure and so well behaved so I’m not used to this at all. I know babies have their moments but this is honestly all day every day and I just don’t know what to do anymore! I feel like I can’t bond with him because I dread being around him when he’s like this. I know that’s awful to say but I’m at a point where I just cannot wait to put him to bed. And even then he doesn’t sleep through! I’m exhausted 😫 their dad is brilliant and supports our family but he works so much and I can see he gets stressed when he comes home and the baby just starts whining. We just don’t know what he wants I don’t even think he knows himself! I don’t even know what I’m expecting to gain from the post but I jus don’t know what I can do anymore 😫 thanks


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