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Hiya can I have a private post please? Just looking for some advice, please no b…

Hiya can I have a private post please? Just looking for some advice, please no bashing as I am feeling low and rubbish enough.
I have a 7 year old son, who last year (he was 6) I found porn on his tablet, I went through his search history and found it had been viewed a lot over a few days. I thought I had made everything 100% secure so he couldn’t access these sites again and I spoke to him about it been for adults not children this was recommended by school after speaking to them about it.
However I went upstairs to wake him up this morning and I found him in bed with his phone (I remove this at 6 o clock every night when its family time) when I checked somehow he had accessed the stuff again, I am absolutely devastated I don’t know how to approach this again I suffer with anxiety and I am over thinking everything. I can’t look at him without wanted to cry I feel like such a bad mum, I also have a 10 year old that has never looked at stuff like this. I don’t know if I am looking for advice or just want a rant as I have nobody to talk to about this 😞

Thank you. Xx


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