Hiya could I get a pp please? I went to the hospital last night for my 48 hour b…
Hiya could I get a pp please? I went to the hospital last night for my 48 hour bloods to check my HGC levels, when I had them done Sunday night they were at 286 and last night they come back at 789 is this a good or bad sign? I’m only between 4-5 weeks and panicking bad 😞 Tia x
If it’s going up it’s a good thing , should double every 48 hours with my ectopics mine went up and down and a scan won’t see anything till ur hcg is over 1500 on most , good luck Hun pm me if u need a chat xx
Good sign! They’re supposed to almost double every day I think it is if you are pregnant x
That’s a great amount hun. Hospital normally like them to double in 48hrs
Going up is good! Your HGC levels double every 48 hours x
Thats good Hun it means your levels are rising x
Great sign it’s normal xx
Good means ur levels are up