Mums Advice

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Hiya would I be able to get a private post? I don’t want to put too much detail …

Hiya would I be able to get a private post? I don’t want to put too much detail as have family on here. So my partner has a kid to someone else and she lost custody of the child and he is living with another family member on her side, my partner isn’t on the birth certificate and hasn’t seen child in a good couple of years as she would always pick and choose when he got to see the child and tell him kid wasn’t his when she couldn’t be botherd letting them have contact. He’s now been trying and is getting nowhere. She has signed over her parental rights and social services no longer involved in kids life . My partner needs to go for a DNA and would love to have contact with kid it’s making him depressed trying and getting no were( he’s always tried but been knocked back and blocked ect) who would he be able to contact to try and start getting to see his kid without having to go through them ?


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