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I just wanted to put a private post up asking for advice on light bleeding. I am…

I just wanted to put a private post up asking for advice on light bleeding. I am 11 weeks pregnant and have been in hospital twice with cramps the first time was due to implantation and the second time was stress, morning sickness getting worse and a bug. On the 26th I was at work and went to the toilet and wiped and the toilet tissue was a bit pink however I assumed this was just spotting and it wasn’t much to worry about now I have had the same happen today and am beginning to worry. I have phones nhs 24 and have been advised by a midwife and nurse to take paracetamol rest and monitor the cramps and bleeding see if they worsen and if they do call back. I can’t stop worrying though should I just go in or should I follow their advice ? Ps I have had cramps the whole way through this pregnancy


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