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I left a domestic violence relationship over a year ago with two young children …

I left a domestic violence relationship over a year ago with two young children 5year old and 3 year old. He may off hurt me and stuff but I believe myself my kids shouldn’t suffer by missing out on there dad, so we made arrangements they stayed Friday to Sunday. Anyways recently he’s made himself homeless by not paying his rent bills and other stuff as hes so used too mummy and daddy paying everything off. Well my point is he’s living with his mum and dad now until he finds somewhere else and I feel like he’s just dropped the kids all together.
I’m not saying he has to have them over night just and hour or a day out once a week is not hard! I don’t even get a text phone or anything for the kids to make sure there okay nothing I just feel like I’m constantly at him and he doesn’t see why he should x


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