Lump in my neck. Hi all I had what looked like a small hole in my neck with a b…
Lump in my neck.
Hi all I had what looked like a small hole in my neck with a black dot inside. I felt it and underneath it’s really hard like a tiny stone. It doesn’t hurt but I can roll it around in my fingers. The next day I pulled out the black dot with some tweezers and it looked like a mole was regrowing (was a little crusty) sorry for tmi. Now just lookes like a tiny hole. A few days later the hard lump is still there. I don’t think it’s got any bigger but hasn’t got smaller. I don’t want to go the docs as it’s not bothering me but I just want to know if anyone has had the same thing? And what it was? TIA xx
Im not sure because it doesnt sound like my situation at all but i just wanted to say just because its not bothering you doesnt mean not to get it checked…i had a good size knot in my neck and it didnt hurt or bother me any so i didnt go get it checked…well i finally did a few months later and it was thyroid cancer that had spread