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Not really child related but just awareness and perhaps some advice from others….

Not really child related but just awareness and perhaps some advice from others…
I’ve been trolled for weeks and weeks online and didn’t even know until very recently when I was questioned by the police for an allegation of child abuse, my home got raided, social services were called, my work became a target, and now my house is on a red flag for the police!! And I am looking to move home!!
Let me just clear something up, I’ve never been in trouble with the police, the allegation of child abuse are now deemed as malicious and completely false by the police, never been involved with social services before and they are happy with everything anyway… my daughter is my best friend, I’ve never loved anyone like I love her, and my heart hurts that someone could do this to me!!
I am now up for a disciplinary hearing at my place of work where they are trying to do me for inappropriate use of social media which could offend others, and putting the organisation into disrepute. This is gross misconduct! These trolls have completely stolen my identity 😔😢 they are from all over the country, I don’t know what they look like, as their profiles are anonymous! They created an identical profile to mine and started comment on stuff as if it was me 😞 please no bashing! I feel like my life is over, they have destroyed me from the inside out, targeting every aspect of my life which has left me so vulnerable, constantly in tears, it’s very rare for me to leave my home now as I’m so scared for my life… the police have been informed and are not taking action on it as they have used fake profiles to destroy me! The detective inspector who ‘dealt’ with me, is now supporting me. He rang my place of work and told them that the information they have been provided by these individuals with regards to child abuse are completely false and malicious… what am I going to do? How am I going to sit in front of HR and say “that’s not me, I didn’t write that on the internet”, when they cloned my account. They have trapped me so tightly now. Please no bashing, I can’t take no more 😞😞


11 thoughts on “Not really child related but just awareness and perhaps some advice from others….

  • Please reply to Julie again.
    I don’t think a place of work would go to that extent though really? The fake profile of me has now been removed/deactivated

  • Please reply to Julie.I never got to see the comments myself, my friend did and screenshot and sent them to me! They’ve since been removed! Not sure how these could be traced 😞 I feel like my life is now over

  • The police can trial where these profiles were made and confirm the IP address of the computer I’m sure… which would result in you being able to confirm you do not own no where nowhere near these computers or devices which should clear a lot up!
    I would think this would be the first port of call for the police to be able to investigate properly and catch any one else involved…

  • On facebook if you go onto settings, security, then click on devices logged in…this lists the device eg…make of phone, or laptop, plus the operating system, date and time of each log in,,,if the facebook is active…if deactivated the police have the resources to find this info out…don’t worry, if its a troll, fake profile the police will know straight away and nothing will happen

  • No you can’t be a child abuser when all your love is on children your love for children is unconditional the way I saw you and your husband really trying to hag and help every child! Bless you

  • Surely they can track there ip address ?? They can do it with other thing so they should be able to do it given the circumstances ? Even if they have been deleted off fb they can still track it x

  • this is sad sad situation to be n and don’t really have any advice. Just wanted to send hugs to you. It is so easy to take peoples pics and info and make up a fake profile in your name. There was a guy who had 350 pics of peoples babies on 12 separate fake profiles with obscene things written over each baby pic… its so sad

  • Just be completely honest if you’ve worked there long enough they should have a pretty good idea of you as a person and the fact the police have told them etc works in your favour I guess the company just has policies and guidelines they have to follow so once everything is all out in the open it will work out I’m sure. Just carry on keeping a low profile for a while.

  • Do you have a union rep or anyone that you could ask to attend the meeting with you?
    I would ask the police to write a statement for your work stating that it is a case of stolen identity and that the charges/case was dropped.
    Try not to worry too much. It wasnt you and nothing was posted by you.

  • Can’t you ask the officer who dealt with the case to give you a supporting letter to say it was false allegations made against you to provide HR in your case or if they could spare a officer to pop into work to explain in detail what’s been going on I’m sure they will help you good luck it’s a horrible situation to be put in because of some mindless individual good luck

  • they should be able to trace the ip address and where the messages are sent from which could clear your name


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