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Please could I have a post on the page? My 12 month old daughter has started a …

Please could I have a post on the page?

My 12 month old daughter has started a new nursery this week and every evening when i finish work and collect her, she screams from then till bed time. She’s not having two naps at nursery like she has been doing at home, only one so I’m thinking she’s just really over tired.

Has anyone been in this position and did the baba resolve the issue themselves or did you have to do/change anything?

Thanks xx


One thought on “Please could I have a post on the page? My 12 month old daughter has started a …

  • Would they not try her for 2 naps in creche. I have worked in a few creches over the past few years and what we use to do if they were having 2 naps we would put them down in the morning and then again about 2ish. Or one nap at 12 til 2pm unless the parents said they could sleep longer or if they wanted them up at a certain time. If she isnt having the nap in the afternoon for them then maybe she is sleeping for too long in the morning. Maybe try let her sleep for an hour in the morning then anothe hour or so in the afternoon


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