Pp please How many birthing partners are you allowed. My partner, and my mum ar…
Pp please
How many birthing partners are you allowed. My partner, and my mum are going to be there and im unsure whether to ask my partners mum but wouldnt want to get her hopes up.
I had my mum and my partner with me, my other mum turned up 5 minutes after I had my daughter and they let her in too. Not sure they would have if I was still in labor though
I was allowed two (Princess Royal, Glasgow) but once baby is born, only your partner can stay if it’s outwith visiting hours. Every hospital has a different policy on birthing partners so maybe ask at your next appointment or give them a little call?
only do who your comfortable with being in the room. Its about YOU. Dont feel obliged to ask the MIL. But usually its 2 people
I went to my daughters birth plus her bf… but she end up with a emergency section so her other half went in. Labour ward was good.
My hospital only allows 2 but I had my partner my mum and partners mum
I think every hosptial different be best asking hospital befoee mentioning x
Only 1 allowed here my dad sat outside and my mum was in then after she was born my dad was allowed in
I was allowed 2 each time and that was 3 different hospitals x
Depends on the hospital but usually it’s 2 people max x
Pretty sure the standard is 2 not sure though I would ask your midwife she will be able to tell you more x
Best of asking your midwife I think I was allowed up to 3 but might be different in different areas
i was allowed 2 but my birth ended in a csection where only 1 person was allowed with me. i think theatre is 1 a labour ward is 2 xx
I had 3 in with me depends on your midwife at the hospital I got told
I was allowed 1, in all my births.
Everywhere is different I had 4 plus me in my room x
I was only allowed 1
Normally 2 xx
I was allowed 2
2 at the hospitals I’ve been to
I think UK standard is 2 birthing partners x
Best to ask, I’m only allowed two x
I had 2
My daughter was only allowed 2.
2 in Scotland