Pp to group chat When/how do you know your marriage is over? I feel like I don’…
Pp to group chat
When/how do you know your marriage is over? I feel like I don’t trust my husband anymore…
General advice from parent to parent
Pp to group chat
When/how do you know your marriage is over? I feel like I don’t trust my husband anymore…
Too many people are quick to throw their marriages away, before you make that decision maybe have some time apart, talk to each other etc, you think you don’t trust him so there’s obviously a reason that’s made you feel this way, is it a suspicion of cheating etc or just gradually been working up to that? Only you can decide if you really do need to walk away just make sure it is what you really want xx
I’m sorry but I disagree. You both took those vows for a reason. Good times and bad times, sickness and health etc, sit down with your husband and talk, try counselling, try what ever it takes. You made a life long promise to each other in front of people who love you both, so do what you can to make it work and get your spark back. I don’t know, maybe I’m old fashioned but I just don’t think people who are married should give up on each other….and you don’t want to look back in ten or 20 years and think “could i/we have done more to save what we have and what we’ve shared through the years”
I know it’s not the best option for everybody though, just my opinion xx
When you start asking questions like these 🙁 if you dint have trust there’s no point in carrying on will only make your self ill and unhappy in the long run life is to short go and be happy xx
If you don’t trust him then it’s or ready over but u got to think why you don’t trust him in first place aswell but in my eyes soon as trust as gone the relationship as too