Ppp Has anymore had to uncontrollable urge just to pack your shit up and run as …
Ppp Has anymore had to uncontrollable urge just to pack your shit up and run as far away as possible? Just leave, not say anything and just go. Been struggling with some health issues also 32 weeks pregnant atm, been told yesterday by my boss I’m not entitled to maternity pay as didn’t earn enough yet already on mat leave. So now we are £400+ down a month untill maternity allowance is sorted which can take up to 24 days, tax credits have gone down called them yesterday as was told i should see a rise in payments now. But don’t know how long that will take we also pay all bills in full no other hand outs apart from tax credits and don’t know how we can feed the whole family. My heads such a mess atm trying to sort everything out and really feel like i can’t cope anymore. I just wanna run and hide in a dark corner and forget about the world 😔
It seems like a great idea at the time and might be good at the time but you still have to come back and face it all. You have a baby on the way which is amazing and no matter how bad things seem we always find a way to cope xx
Tax credits wull be instant x