Ppp. I was with my ex for over 6 years and all was fine until I had my first chi…
Ppp. I was with my ex for over 6 years and all was fine until I had my first child and I got post natal depression. He became violent because he couldnt deal with it. Obviously it made me feel worse so I tried to pull myself out of it by pursuing with education. I did this and was doing really well and I started to find myself again so he became very controlling. In the end I found the courage to leave and he wasn’t working and stole all my money I’d been working for and my student finance. Because it was a joint account I couldn’t do anything so lived with my auntie whilst I applied for a council property. When I moved my stuff out of my house he decided not to return our children after contact. This was during the weekend so I went to the police who obvs said he had pr and couldn’t act. I waited outside a solicitors from 8am on the Monday and got them back. Since then we went through a long winded court battle, both with solictors and he wanted every weekend. During this he met a new partner so by the final hearing he said he only wanted every other weeekend so he could spend time with her. Anyway, moving forward they are now married and have a child of their own. He’s never paid maintenance and his contact became when it suited him. I’ve had no life in the 6 years we’ve been separated because there’s only him that has the children . He leads a very lavish lifestyle with his new family but has worked on the side and avoided cm like the plague. I’ve since managed to move on and was engaged and have a baby but her father turned out to be something different and walked away leaving me on my own. Since then he is bullying me, he’s falsely claimed my money like tax credits, child benefit claiming the girls live with him. Tax credits haven’t paid me for 4 months now whilst they investigate and he refused to bring he home so then I’ve had to go to court again. Both children are refusing to go because he took them under distress. He’s adjourned he hearing to go on a family holiday and keeps turning up at my house and kicking off blaming me they won’t go. I’ve contacted the police but it’s not harrassment because he is doing different things. I’ve had random people threatening me which I can’t prove is him and he’s making my life hell. He knows I’m alone and have no witnesses and have the children so I can’t retaliate but I can’t prove it. He’s so clever and calculates what he does. He won’t text so calls constantly so nothing is in writing and cafcass are supposed to be talking to the children but heard nothing and I’m constantly on edge. How can I prove he’s bullying me without causing a scene in front of my children. He’s bullying me financially by falsely claiming they live with him and I’m living of £60pw week income support. I’ve sent proof of residency but they said they need more! He doesn’t even pay maintenance yet is claiming he provides for their every need. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Obviously I’ve sent proofs but it’s a waiting game with no money and In the mean time he’s harassing me and asking I explain why I’m ignoring his calls. He does speak to the children but keeps ringing to speak to me ME and I don’t want to. I just feel so defenceless and don’t know where to turn?
How the hell can he claim for them? That’s wrong I’d ring police for that as it’s fraud which is a serious offence
Call your health visitor and woman’s aid they can on some cases help you get cctv but it is very limited then go to council ask them for help to be moved