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Ppp. So i found out i was pregnant on the 26th April for a while ive had a stro…

So i found out i was pregnant on the 26th April for a while ive had a strong feeling it would be twins. Which was strange as neither of our familys have twins… it seems like the last few weeks ive had stronger symptoms.. sleeping all the time, being hungry like really hungry.. alot of discharge.. moody ect… today i went for my 12 week scan would have been roughly 11/12 weeks as last period was 28th march.. to be told. That yes i was infact carrying twins however they where measuring about 6 weeks ans the other aT 4/5 weeks. One sac with something inside (they couldnt say what) and one with a yolk but no fetal pole. My heart broke and i couldn’t stop crying. The midwife explained that prehaps the first pregnancy was chemical/ miscarage and this was infact a new pregnancy and i could go back for the next scan and see a 2 babys… or one considering the second was behind the other in measurments or infact ive had a mmc. I dont think this is a new pregnancy. I really dont. I think i have lost both… i dont know what im asking for.. maybe other peoples experiences.. what to expect ect. I feel numb about it all now. I dont want to look pregnant anymore. I dont want to be so hungry i dont want to be needing a wee all the time because i feel like my body has let me down😭😭😭x


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