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PPP Hello – looking for some advice. Husband has children from previous relatio…


Hello – looking for some advice. Husband has children from previous relationship(s). We currently have a child and I working but only casual hours and not eligible for benefits. I have been trying to get regular paying job since my son turned 6 months old, Since Child Maintenance Service have taken over from Child Support Agency, things have gotten a lot worse. They deduct the Child Maintenance from a GROSS income as opposed to NET income! We are struggling now after my husband has paid out what he has to Child Support/Mortgage etc.

Not sure of a way round to try and negotiate reducing the payments slightly with his ex’s – obviously this is something he has to do! Child Maintenance are useless, get fobbed of with “someone will ring you back” information every time. Almost feeling like it is biased towards the day-to-day parent as opposed to a fair process. Any advice/experiences people can share?

My husband has £100 left after paying everything and that has to cover him for the month.

No negative comments please!


16 thoughts on “PPP Hello – looking for some advice. Husband has children from previous relatio…

  • Please respond to Michelle – yes he pays two parents. They have knocked off £10 for my son in total for the month. Its so frustrating as thats peanuts in comparison to what they get and they are a lot older than my little one

  • Please respond to Annie – Im not complaining! I’m asking for advice! I never said it was a problem for him to pay for his kids. Obviously thats what he has to do if he has responsibilities, to pay for them!

  • Please respond to Sam. They don’t stay with us as he doesn’t get to see them.

  • Please respond to Michelle. This wasn’t the case when CSA were leading on it. Financially we were better off.

  • TBH I don’t see the problem he should be paying for his kids anyway and only my partner works he buys everything for our son and we get left with bout 10 pound a week after paying everything

  • Kids should come first .. Maintenance will take into account the fact that he has a child in your home too. I don’t think it’s fair that it’s based on a gross income but that’s the way it is if it has to go down the route where they have to get involved that says a lot tbh x

  • It is a fair process fathers should pay towards their children. A fair amount is taken based on their income. It’s not nice at all that your struggling maybe you should look at cutting your out goings food bill things like that as others have said let clothes no you now have a child this will reduce the money he needs to pay for his other children

  • Not a lot you can do about it unfortunately. It feels unjust because he isn’t seeing his children, but the bigger picture is he should pay towards them regardless of that.
    If I were him I would be seeking a contact order, at least then he will feel better about the whole situation.
    Any judge worth his salt would arrange contact, regardless of mothers wishes, and if she didn’t adhere to the contact order, she would be made accountable to the family court.

  • Make sure theyve got all your details i.e pension he pays into (theyll knock that off), your other children and any shared care x its strange its worked out a lot more, does he pay more than one parent? X

  • As a single mum of 2, who receives maintainace, I ain’t left with much either after bills and rent. You can always do the online calculator and see if it’s any different.
    But they do go on your last P60 from the tax office

  • They knock 11% off if you have a child living with you, so if they have only knocked off a tenner a month that means hes either only earning about 100 or month OR theyve done it wrong x

  • Have you put that he has a dependant as that will reduce, and the more you have them the more it will reduce, my husband doesn’t see our girls at all so he has to pay the full whack x

  • Why is he paying anything if contact has been stopped just Because the mother feels like it ? I agree spinless bitches stop contact for no good reason they should not be made to pay maintenance. Its wrong

  • The % they take from the gross is less than the % they take from the net so it should work out largely the same x


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