Mums Advice

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Ppp I’ve been in my current relationship 4 years, we now have a baby together, w…

I’ve been in my current relationship 4 years, we now have a baby together, we don’t live together, when we first got together it was amazing I’d never been so happy but as time went on it got worse, he cheated and I forgave him, he did drugs (he says it’s only weed I don’t know how
True this is and I did NOT) know this until out baby was born, he shouts at me he says I’m a bad mum and I’m a clingy bitch, slag, annoying, phsyco, a c*unt, you name it he’s called me it, he saying I do nothing but sit on my arse and he won’t give me money towards her Christmas as “o get money for her” I only get what every other mother gets I don’t claim income support or anything it’s only child tax/benefit!! I’m so stuck what to do, he’s a horrible person and I can’t stand up to him or he gets violent but I love him to bits and I’m so utterly stupid for loving someone who’s ruined me but I really do love him, I don’t know
What to do anymore he makes me feel so low I want to hurt myself, has anyone been in this position? How
Did you get out of it? Please no bashing I’m young and really had
Enough latley, my daughter deserves so much more but I don’t know how to leave😭


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