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Private post please, ox. Basically my daughter is six and has only just starting…

Private post please, ox.
Basically my daughter is six and has only just starting seeing her father (not his fault, very long story). Since the dna results come back saying he was the dad. He’s being absolutely amazing definitely as he didn’t even know she existed. First time they met was on her sixth person a few weeks ago. She saw him on fathers day. And he also took her out all day today. We’ve spoke about him going on the birth certificate. But so many people have told me to be careful. He’s going have 50/50 rights, he could do anything. I want him to go on the birth certificate. She deserves it. But now I’m confused on what to do? He’s stepped up when he could of walked away. He’s making an effort. But how long will it be till he gets bored them boom he has half rights. Should I wait a few months or just do it and whatever happens happens? No bashing please. Just need some advice, thankyou ox


9 thoughts on “Private post please, ox. Basically my daughter is six and has only just starting…

  • Every parent has a right to be on the birth certificate. No reasons or excuses, youre child has a right to know who there parents are.
    I wouldn’t listen to what everyone else is saying he cant ‘do whatever he wants you are your daughters full time career. There fore he cant just take her with contacting you or take her away from you as it can parental kidnap. Which is taken very serious. If he is stepping up and doing what’s right, the best thing for you to do is trust him. Not all fathers get bored. My sons dad and I have been split for 5 years and he still sees him every weekend and once during the week. Even when work changes he arranges to make sure he gets to see him 3 times a week. Not all fathers are dead beats ornget bored.

  • I’d wait a while to see how things go. He’s not been on it for 6 years so a bit longer won’t matter. You need to know he’s trustworthy with regards to your daughter. Once you know he’s ok then it would be the fair and right thing to do for your daughter xx

  • At the end of the days he’s biologically her dad so he shud be on the birth certificate. As you say he’s stepped up so why not put him on it

  • It’s completely up to you. My dad is on my birth certificate and obviously has half rights but walked out on us then come back into our lives and has never done anything even though he has the right too x

  • Surely with you saying he has had a DNA test and he is your daughters father then he has 50/50 rights anyways as he has proof he is your daughters father. That’s what I thought. Or is this not the case?

  • The person on the birth certificate has parental responsibility. It never used to be automatic but they have changed it now.

  • I believe no matter what a father should be on the child’s birth certificate the child has the right to know where she comes from x


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