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Private post please Please dont judge ive not been around pregnancy or babies …

Private post please

Please dont judge ive not been around pregnancy or babies etc really and a ftm and midwife not answering

What are early signs of labour please im experancing tightening cramp like feeling low down like hes pushing down and hes really wiggling around today ive got headache and feet and legs very swollen too
ive got 9 days till my due date but apparently people are saying i havent dropped or lost my plug so he wont be here any time soon can people just tell me what i need for please


10 thoughts on “Private post please Please dont judge ive not been around pregnancy or babies …

  • I’d get seen asap because of the headaches and swelling ring labour ward or assessment and tell them your symptoms because it could be preeclampsia which is dangerous good luck Hun xx

  • When my contractions started I knew straight away! The pain was far worse than a period pain that people told me about! Everyone is different though , if you are unsure call your health visitor she will advise you šŸ™‚ make sure that hopsital bag is all ready to go! Good luck x

  • I Had The Same And Im Due Tom .. I Went Because My Legs And Feet And Ankles Were Swollen .. They Said It Was Because My Daughter Was Engaged .. She Slowed The Blood Flow .. Sometimes Swelling Could Also Mean Your Retaining Water Which In Both Situations You’d Be Told Keep Your Feet Elevated .. But Still Call Your Ward And Be Sure .

  • Deffo call the ward as the headaches and swelling don’t sound good. Hope you get on ok x

  • Yeah hun give the assessment unit a call, better to get it checked out, good luck x


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