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anonymous post? the father to my unborn children and I broke up so I moved in w…

anonymous post?
the father to my unborn children and I broke up so I moved in with my mother and am moving back out in June, but she’s threatening to call CAS on me.
I’m 21, and have a history of suicide and I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, severe depressed and major anxiety.
I’ve been stable as of the last little while and haven’t had an episode since I was 15.
Is there anything I can do to ensure that they won’t have reason to take my babies?
I’m not due until October, having twins. Moving in with my best friend and her son.

also she has a 25 year old son that lives with her that has threatened to kill me and my child, and he does drugs out of the house. She also has a 9 year old that’s over 200 pounds that has come at me with a chair, and I was hospitalized less than 2 weeks ago due to cramping and bleeding after the actual attack.


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