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Any mums out there who have struggled with depression when did you realise? I do…

Any mums out there who have struggled with depression when did you realise? I don’t think it’s pnd as my boy is 2 years old now but for last 6 months or so I haven’t been myself feeling really low not wanting to do anything, i feel like a failure as a mum, not wanting to do all the things I used to enjoy and the last few weeks it’s just got worse 😢
My partner said the other day
‘I remember when we used to have fun’
I haven’t told my partner how I’m feeling as I don’t want him to feel like him and out son don’t make me happy because that’s not the case


One thought on “Any mums out there who have struggled with depression when did you realise? I do…

  • My lo was a year old when I finally admitted I had been suffering post natal depression. Go to your docs and have a chat they will discuss the best options for you sometimes we just need someone to talk to I think being a parent is lonely sometimes xxx


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