Can I have a PP please I had an emergency caesarean with my daughter just over…
Can I have a PP please
I had an emergency caesarean with my daughter just over 3 years ago and I was left with a disgusting overhang that won’t go even with weight loss. I’m expecting my second baby in September and will be having an elective section, will my overhang be worse having had another section? I’m only 24 and can’t cope with having a disgusting overhang for the rest of my life I can see it really affecting my mental health which isn’t great as it is.
Ive still got the overhang.
My girls are 2 and nearly 8 months.
However, I haven’t really done anything exercise wise to be fair.
I’m waiting until I’m back at work, and have money to join back at the gym xx
I’m the same I’ve got a kangaroo pouch as well and I’m having an elective in December but I got told they cut open the scar you already have unless the scar there is too much scar tissue, so it should stay the same, speak to your gp about it you may be able to get surgery to remove the unwanted skin xxx
I have got a horrible over hang which I was never warned about 🙁 I fee ur pain but no the over hang doesn’t get worse at all xxx
F x