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Caan i have a ppp! My son is almost 5, he’s being assessed by the paediatrician …

Caan i have a ppp! My son is almost 5, he’s being assessed by the paediatrician for adhd/autism. Me and my sons dad split up nearly 4 years ago and it’s been hell. He’s constantly letting my son down and not caring about him. Every day i have to tell my son what we are doing on the day and the next day or he flips. I explained this to his dad a couple of weeks ago after stopping him from seeing him for 6 weeks for constantly letting him down and all has been okay until today. Usually his dad will let me know if he can’t have our son which is fine but i messaged him today to ask if he was having him tomorrow and heard nothing no thought he would like arranged (he has him every wednesday day and evening) to then be told at 9:45pm that he’s not having him tomorrow. I really don’t know what to do.. for the last 4 years it’s been constant arguments because he can’t do simple tasks like respecting the rules i have set. I want to stop him from seeing my son because he’s always letting him down.. i guess im looking for a bit of advice about what you guys would do.. sorry for the long post i just really don’t know what to do and im at my wits end with it all now x


3 thoughts on “Caan i have a ppp! My son is almost 5, he’s being assessed by the paediatrician …

  • I went through this, my youngest is four and diagnosed with asd, his Dad was never reliable and let him down on many occasions for the past three years, caused so much upset and confusion for my son. I put my foot down and stopped contact, the difference in my little one was amazing his confidence grew and he is a much happier little boy. Kids need to feel secure and loved. Follow your gut instinct, you no what’s best for your child X

  • My son has asd and use 2 see his dad at a contact centre 1hr a fortnight long story cut short there’s been no contact in 18months now and if always said if he got back in touch to see the kids (have a daughter also) my son will b kept out of any contact as its not fair on him. My daughter is nearly 11 and even she struggles 2 understand why her ‘dad’ does what he does so there’s no way he’s coming back into my sons life and doing the same. It will only get worse as he gets older (trust me!) they find it harder and harder to understand why there being let down u do what u feel is best as u no ur child better than any1 xx

  • If u have proof of constantly letting him down and how it affects your child then u can speak to a solicitor they do consultations point u in the right directiom


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