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Can I have a post please? I have 4 kids & we live in a 4 bedroom house. My 2 …

Can I have a post please?

I have 4 kids & we live in a 4 bedroom house. My 2 eldest boys, aged 8 and 6 share a bedroom. Soo ….these kids have literally trashed their bedroom…and continue to do so… like they are legit killing their bedroom & refuse to stop no matter what kind of discipline they are given. They have kicked and punched or used toys to make holes in the drywall. Last week they somehow managed to kick a hole right through the whole damn wall into my youngest sons bedroom. Now they use it as a tunnel & we have put temporary drywall up for now to Cover it.. every single day because they keep kicking and ripping it down. Husband works long hours & is going to repair this weekend. They have also somehow made holes through their bedroom door. We gave replaced the stupid door to their bedroom a total of 4 times since the beginning of the year. They weren’t deliberately killing their bedroom then… but now they are deliberately wrecking their bedroom. Yesterday they ripped off more drywall & got ahold of an ink pen & used both to draw ALL over their walls… also, we were forced to throw out their $1000 beautiful wooden bunk bed last Friday because they smashed them up. 😭.. They have since then ripped up one mattress on the sides & in the middle and Pissed all over the other (we had to throw it out) so now, their bedroom consists of one double sized mattress that is ripped in the middle and sides that they are sleeping on…on the damn floor. Oh and cant forget about the floor! They have started to RIP the flooring out. There is a whole row of friggen tiles that are ripped out now! They have also managed to break their 50 in flat screen & glass shelf that hangs high up on the wall. Me and my husband are extremely frustrated. We have tried everything we can think of.. we need some suggestions on how to make this stop…don’t say ass whooping please lol I have spanked them but they legit don’t even care & I’m not comfortable with spanking them harder lol thays all i need is for one to say i spanked them and has CFS on my ass.. surely, id just show them their damn room and they would understand anyway lol anyway, we have to literally renovate the entire bedroom from top to bottom. (Pull out drywall, replace it with new drywall, tape, mud, paint..put completely new flooring in…get new beds ..ect) Thank god their dads profession includes building houses and renovating… they are starting to do it to my sons bedroom now and pick the paint off the walls. Even tho they aren’t allowed in there, they break the drywall off their “tunnel” and go in there while everyone is sleeping in the morning. My house is starting to look disgusting. We aren’t dirty people & our house is very nice.. aside from their totally embarrassing bedroom. We are scared they are going to start destorying the rest of the house & just destroy their bedroom once we fix it up(after christmas)…like its so bad, Their bedroom seriously looks like someone has been tweaking out in there for years. However, they are still made to clean their bedrooms every morning and after school. It still looks so bad tho..this weekend they are washing their walls. we have only owned this house 5 years.. It’s so messed up…my younger kids(5 & 3 years) respect their bedrooms and toys & keep them clean) I don’t want them to start following them. please hellllpppp… FYI, they are enrolled in councilling.. the older one has been diagnosed with adhd and is on the proper medication which wears off when he gets home from school anyway… if that even matters.


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