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Can I have a post please?….so my daughter is 2 in November and starts nursery …

Can I have a post please?….so my daughter is 2 in November and starts nursery in January. I wanted her out of nappies by then. She has gone the last two weeks dry in the day perfectly fine with no accidents. She was using the toilet for last 4 months for poo anyway so took to it naturally. Skipped the whole potty stage and just went straight to toilet seat. My question is now, how do I start nights?? 🤔 she wakes up most nights with a dry nappy. In the day has been easy to do where she is awake, but god forbid if I wake her up for any reason ww3 kicks off lol so don’t know how to start the night training?


3 thoughts on “Can I have a post please?….so my daughter is 2 in November and starts nursery …

  • If she’s waking up with dry nappies anyway then you can just put her to bed without a nappy. Make sure there’s a plastic sheet over the mattress. My daughter was same age when she was dry during the day and when we bought her a bed she just decided she was now a big girl and wasn’t wearing a nappy to bed. She never wet the bed either. Some people will tell you to put them on the toilet before you go to bed but I’ve never done that with any of mine and although my son did occasionally wet the bed it wasn’t that many times. If I’d have woken him up to spend a penny I’d have never got him back to sleep.

  • Aslong as you make sure she doesn’t have anything to drink before bed and goes to the toilet just before then try her without a nappy and see how she gets on. But have a waterproof sheet on her bed just in case 🙂

  • Don’t wake her up, my daughter was dry day and night before she was two. Once she is dry a couple of nights in the trot you should have it nailed x


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