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Can I have a ppp… I am usually one who offers advice and keeps my problems to …

Can I have a ppp…
I am usually one who offers advice and keeps my problems to myself (I live in an extremely small town)
So the other day my partner and I (my partner is fifo and was his day before fly out) were enjoying a drink at our local when we asked a staff member to borrow a light.. She pulled her lighter from between her cleavage (as many women do, especially barmaids, (I’m one myself and if have no pockets it’s where it goes) and gave it to partner, the barmaid is a mutual friend, he then proceeded to give it a good sniff… My reaction was “wtf does it smell like fake boobs” out friend had recently had a boob job done, his reply after another hearty sniff was “nope, smells great, nothing like disinfectant”… I was obviously a little shattered by now and went and got us another drink and take away, then at home (out of public eye) I proceeded to tell him my issue…
I’ve already done the violent abusive marriage and this man is the first real relationship after him… My partner now is usually extremely good to me, treats me like a goddess most the time and have never had an issue till now… But certain things said still ring in my ears “she wanted it, she chased me for years”
“People in town are right I always find the psychos”

There was a little push and shove towards the end of my argument before I left to sleep At my sisters…

I’m really not sure if I’m over reacting because of my previous marriage and am about to walk out on something amazing (which our relationship has been for a year, this is our first argument)
Or whether the red flags and alarm bells are justified


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