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Can I have a ppp please? So my periods are spot on, regular and same flow each …

Can I have a ppp please? So my periods are spot on, regular and same flow each month, this month I’ve started bleeding a week early (started Monday and been on/off still now) it’s very light and evenings mainly either no blood or spotting, I’ve taken test and all come back negative, had bloods still negative… do I wait a week or so and try agian? It’s not my usual period Attal, I felt nauseous all day and night yesterday and light headed but don’t know if it’s just all in my head. Do I test agian in a week or just accept im not pregnant? Just doing my head in not knowing 😂 Please can you add… my diet/stress levels haven’t changed? I am literally exact same as I always am if that makes sense x


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