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Can I have a private post please. I have been with my partner for seven years. W…

Can I have a private post please. I have been with my partner for seven years. We have recently had a baby being my first but he has four children from a previous relationship. I love him but I’m not really feeling the whole sex thing at the min. Problem is I get no help with housework or the baby. Yes he works Monday to Friday and I am currently on maternity leave but am still managing to go 50/50 financially etc but because I am now home on mat leave he expects to do nothing! My mum has our lb one night a week and has asked to have him three nights next week which I have agreed to as I can get stuff sorted but he has managed to make me feel guilty about this as he thinks ‘normal mothers’ wouldn’t want their child away for that long! I have no help from him with our lb. he will play with him etc but if I ask him to watch him for a bit while I tidy etc he moans and won’t do it! So I have to wait for lb to go to bed at night before I can do anything even on a weekend! I love him to bits but there have been times over the last few weeks since our baby has been born that I genuinely feel like I hate him! I get snide remarks about sex and I do do it even though I don’t really want to but I think it’s pretty obvious sometimes but the truth is it’s boring and just feels like a chore/ one more bloody thing iv got to do! Iv tried saying why not try make an effort and make me want to rather that basically saying ‘get your knickers off’ lol! I just get told I’m a prude! He has been visiting his ex’s house a lot recently (his kids live there) and for saying he apparently doesn’t see her or nearly speaks to her he will often say or the other day she said this/that and I’m starting to think she says an awful lot for someone you don’t speak to. (We had problems at the beginning of our relationship with stuff still going on between them etc) not something I have worried about for years but now she is single and I’m getting shit for nearly having sex I’m worried something might happen! Iv got so much I wish I could say to him but he isn’t the type of person you can have a serious conversation with!! I just feel like I am constantly being made to feel like shit about my housework/parenting skills/lack of sex when he does fuck all!! It’s really starting to get me down and I really don’t know what to do about it! Sorry for the long post and thanks if you have got this far ha xx


One thought on “Can I have a private post please. I have been with my partner for seven years. W…

  • Turn the tables & let him know his a shit partner & shit parent 4 all the things he doesn’t do rather than let him tell u ur not doing it proper.. sounds just like my ex.. he had 3 kids previously when our 1st but my 2nd came he done fuck all either.. I honestly thought he felt his parenting days were over.. I soon started to resent him 4 it & 1 day just thought fuck it I’m doing it myself anyway I may as well b single so we finished he moved out n I got on with raising the kids without taking care of him on top of it all.. 2 years later his still doing fuck all.. I give up trying to explain to him


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