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Can I have a private post please. I’m 27 weeks and feeling a lot of pressure, ba…

Can I have a private post please. I’m 27 weeks and feeling a lot of pressure, baby seems to have dropped low. Also loosing what seems like mucus discharge. Should I be concerned. Waiting for a call back but just seeing if anyone has had this in pregnancy 🙂


7 thoughts on “Can I have a private post please. I’m 27 weeks and feeling a lot of pressure, ba…

  • Reply please. Is it normal to be loosing parts of the plug. It’s like snot 😐

  • i thought this as ive just been loseing mine ended up being taken into hospital and had a swab taken and it came back high risk that im.going to give birth early like any time from now 27 weeks.
    but obviously everyone is different but please get checked out i thought it was absolutely nothing to worry about. x

  • I heard you can lose it at any point in pregnancy and apparently it grows back? Sounds strange and I might be wrong aha xx


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