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Can I have a private post please on any page? NBR!! How did everyone get over…

Can I have a private post please on any page?


How did everyone get over the fear of boarding and travelling on a plane? I have an awful fear of planes never been on one before and I already suffer from anxiety so I can imagine if I was about to board one I would probably have an anxiety attack, my partner and he’s family have just gone on holiday for a week to lanzerote and they said I was able to go as everything was paid for but I turned it down due to them fears and now I feel I wish I had just gone ๐Ÿ™ they go on holiday twice a year so really want to go on the next one with them so looking for tips or advice on what other people did/do when they board a flight and have the same fears as me…
Thank you x


One thought on “Can I have a private post please on any page? NBR!! How did everyone get over…

  • I dearnt get on a plane ๐Ÿ˜” even the fort of getting on 1 makes me feel sick x


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