Mums Advice

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Can I have a private post then please. Basically my children’s dad has a 10year …

Can I have a private post then please. Basically my children’s dad has a 10year old me and my children haven’t seen her for 2.5 years (my oldest was only 3 and youngest not born) they live the opposite side of the country. Well apparently she has told her teacher the other day that I have shouted at her and smacked her? Totally false allegations but I’m now worried sick that ss will be on my case and also losing my job as I work in a school. She has always made it clear to not like me especially as we went onto have children she said she hated my oldest and she doesn’t live with either parent so she has issues but I don’t understand why I’m being dragged into things after not speaking to them for so long. Should I be worried? Anyone know what I should do? If ss will be worried about my own children. I’m heartbroken and feel so betrayed all I ever did was be nice to the child x


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