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Could I have a PP please? So I’m basically looking for any tips on getting pre…

Could I have a PP please?

So I’m basically looking for any tips on getting pregnant? I had a miscarriage a year and a half ago and since then we haven’t not been TTC but no luck yet even taking tablets that should help.

I also have PCOS, I’ve been to the doctors about it and all she wanted to do was put me on the pill which obviously I didn’t want and sent me away.

I felt so guilty loosing my child and I feel useless not being able to conceive! We’re a happy and kind couple who would love to bring a child into our life and it just gets me down when it doesn’t happen as it seems everyone around me falls pregnant so easily and seeing people who do not deserve to have kids.

Any tips? Just feeling so low at the moment😩 x


3 thoughts on “Could I have a PP please? So I’m basically looking for any tips on getting pre…

  • You sound like me it took me a good 18 months after a miscarriage. Try and ease the pressure off the more stress you put yourself under the less likely you are to get pregnant. So basically stop trying, stop counting ovulation days and just go with the flow. It all happens when you least expect it.

  • Just have fun nd lots of sex the more u stress nd plan the dates u are due to release eggs the less likely u are to get pregnant me nd my partner was just having lots of fun nd sex withing 2 months I was pregnant xx

  • Please join. This isn’t just a post to gain members, we CAN and WILL help you. This group has got so so so many ladies pregnant.
    (permission given my page years ago to post group)

    We are a group that offers free support to the many UK women that suffer from Pcos ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ). We offer support and accurate advise that has been cleared by, and backed by specialists.
    Often ladies talk about pcos on general groups but sadly we often see wrong advice given out which could be dangerous if followed. PCOS is a serious health condition that affects the whole endocrine system & puts sufferers at risk for heart disease, diabetes and forms of hormonal cancer.
    we feel terribly afraid for ladies’ health and well being with some of the wrongful advise that is being given and thus would be grateful if PCOS Tribe UK could be mentioned as a safe resource for ladies enquiring about PCOS related issues.

    For millions of women in the UK Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a part of life. It is a very common condition. Having PCOS can trigger acne, excess hair on the face and body, and heavy or irregular periods. In some cases women can also experience thinning hair, sleep apnoea, weight gain, pelvic pain and anxiety or depression. The increased levels of male hormones can also affect the development and release of eggs during ovulation, which can cause fertility problems.
    PCOS TRIBE UK is a Facebook support group for ladies suffering from PCOS. Pcos Tribe UK offers a safe, private, secure and confidential place for sufferers and those that suspect they may have pcos to ask questions, seek support, help support each other, expand knowledge and share information in the hopes of getting proper care, treatment and diagnosis on NHS. Many turn to PCOS Tribe UK group upon diagnosis to help them as they find ways to control their Pcos. If you’d like stay on top of your PCOS, and not let it be on top of you, why not join our Pcos Tribe groups

    We have 4 Pcos Tribe groups.
    1) Pcos Tribe UK for anything and everything pcos related

    2) Pcos UK Diet Divas Tribe which has a diet focus, files complete with diet plans, food diary, slimming challenges etc

    3) Pcos Preggy & Baby Tribe for those that want to chat on topics on their pregnancy & children

    4) we also have a page for those who have suffered a loss. Wether miscarriage, stillbirth or after birth


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