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Could I have a private post please. My little girl is 7 months to my current par…

Could I have a private post please.
My little girl is 7 months to my current partner. I have a 13 year old son too and my partner has 2 other children from a ๐Ÿšถ previous partner. Well Ive felt really rubbish and moody past week. So today I grabbed an early pregnancy test from superdrug. Didn’t think for one minute that it would come up positive. But it did. Only a light line but clear enough to see positively. We are struggling as it is money wise, and I struggled throughout my pregnancy with my daughter. Im in my middle 30s. Ive always said i could never abort a child, I don’t agree with it for me. But if someone close to me etc did I would support them completely. But I came down stairs told my partner and started crying he looked upset. I turned round and said il have to get rid. He gave me a cuddle and I then just got on with tea.he then asked me what we do next. Said id look later. He actually said he is going to get snip as it not fair on me. But think is i don’t think i have it in me to have an abortion. How can I tell him ๐Ÿ˜ž. It might mean we split up. Ive no money to set up my own home and love this man so much. Im so scared and upset. It was an honest accident too :(( .
Thank you xx


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