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Could I have a private post please? I’m concerned about my nearly 5 year olds w…

Could I have a private post please?

I’m concerned about my nearly 5 year olds weight gain. He had his tonsils out in march and literally didn’t eat for 2 weeks and lost allot of weight. Since recovering his appetite has been insatiable and his weight has ballooned. It upsets me because he eats really healthy – we rarely have crisps or biscuits, his snacks are always fruit and he has salad and veg with every meal. He eats mostly home cooked healthy dinners but the poor boy seems to hold everything he eats. He’s quite active and I’ve tried to up our activity level since I noticed the weight gain. I just feel so sorry for him as I know so many children who can have treats daily and never put an ounce on. My husband was a bit tubby when he was little so we do put it down to that but I just feel like I’m doing something wrong. Don’t get me wrong he’s not huge – he’s 3 stone 2lb but he does have a tummy bless him. I really don’t want to give him a complex so I’m trying to tackle it without him being aware but I just wondered if anyone has any experiences or advice to share? Thank you x


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