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Could I please have a private post? Want to remain anonymous, also not baby rela…

Could I please have a private post? Want to remain anonymous, also not baby related so hope its ok. Right ladies no bashing please, I have a friend with benefits, (we are both single) but I’m starting to fall for him, it wasn’t meant to happen, should I tell him?? I dont want to ruin anything but surely he must have some feelings for me to keep sleeping with me?? I’ve noticed lately between us it doesn’t just feel like casual sex anymore, he’s gotten quite passionate like kissing my neck and holding my hand and interlocking fingers, he also said I was stunning and beautiful, do u think he feels the same as me?? I dont wanna ask him in case I ruin things but then I think stuff it its the only way I’m gonna know, help please has this happened to anyone else?? I really have fallen for him. Tia xxx


One thought on “Could I please have a private post? Want to remain anonymous, also not baby rela…

  • Be careful… maybe mention that you have these feelings, and that you should end things if he doesn’t feel the same, as it’ll only be you that gets hurt.
    My babys dad was a friend with benefits.. he did the same, became very passionate, very affectionate and acted as if there was more to it… he made me feel a million pounds… I fell pregnant (we were taking precautions) and I haven’t heard from him since 😕👌 I’m now 32 weeks preggers. And he’s still nowhere to be seen/heard… the last thing we spoke about was him not wanting anything to do with me or baby… xx


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