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Have You Heard Of Social Stories?-Autism

As an admin for a large parents group you often see autism come up; is my son autistic, my daughter has just got an asd diagnosis and so on. With this comes along worries, so many worries.

As a mum of an autistic child (early diagnosis), we were lucky to get the early intervention such as the early bird course-I’d advise it of all parents with the diagnosis!

At first the diagnosis was scary and we needed to learn communication from both us and him. Just changing our language wasn’t enough.

You’ll hear many people say that those on the spectrum are visual learners and this is so very true.

We set up a board of visual aids of what we are doing for the day, with him removing them after each task. You can take a key ring of them out so your child knows what is coming next. It keeps the understand there, starts to encourage now and next.

How many of you have heard of social stories? These are fantastic as their understanding increases, we made one when my husband went away and it kept anxieties down to a minimum.

These can also be used for younger children, prevents tantrums when they don’t want to do something-they will know the order of things.

Please don’t live in worry-there are so many options out there to help.

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