Hello could I have a private post please? My son who is 4 coming 5 in December k…
Hello could I have a private post please? My son who is 4 coming 5 in December keeps having toilet accidents.. if I tell him to go to the toilet he has no problem and won’t have any mistakes but some days I don’t say anything to him, and he will just have accident after accident with numbers 2 included, it just doesn’t seem to bother him sitting in it.. iv had him out of nappies since the age of 3andhalf and this has been going on ever since. I also don’t know what I’m meant to do when he does make a mistake at this stage am I allowed to punish him or what. I’m going out of my mind as he starts p1 in September
Could it be medical? Some children suffer like this when they have chronic constipation that builds up then they soil and wee due to the pressure of the poo stuck in the bowel and they can’t help it. See a gp as the sooner these things are looked at the quicker you’ll solve them.
Don’t punish him hun it will make him stress more. Keep reminding him and make a reward chart… then when he goes himself make a huge fuss… he will soon get the hang of it x
Have you tried a reward chart so if he has no accidents he gets a treat at the end of the week?
has he been seen by a dr to rule out medical issues