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Hello, could I please have a ppp? This may be a little long so please bear with…

Hello, could I please have a ppp?
This may be a little long so please bear with me as I really need some advice!
Me and my partner have been together 7 years, we have a 1 year old together. Currently living with my parents to save money and move to our own place. Our relationship was great to begin with but now its changed. When we had the baby, about 3/4 weeks after he was constantly moaning at me to get a job to save money etc so we could move out, even though i felt my little girl was too young i gave in and on the day she was 2 months old i started working part time. (She was staying with my mum at home so she was well looked after).
My partner works full time 5 days a week, sometimes 10 hours a day. He doesn’t help out with the baby as much as I think he should. Always refused to do the night feeds because ‘he works more hours than i do so it should be my job’ now our little girl has never slept well, since birth, she sometimes wakes up 5/6 times during the night, and she only falls asleep if i rock her. At one point i was seriously sleep deprived, I had no energy to do anything. My boyfriend expects sex every night, I never feel like having sex, once we had sex 2 times in one week and we had a fight because he made it look like it was the end of the world and that I was awful for putting him in that situation because he has his ‘needs’. The truth is I never feel like it and just do it to avoid arguments.

Im seriously fed up of his attitude, he’s always taking the piss out of me, not in a mean way, he’s a great guy don’t get me wrong but he can be very difficult to live with. Him and my mum dont really get along that well either which doesn’t help, and of course I’m stuck in the middle.
I broke up with him a few months ago, i was really determined because I was just so sick of all this, but a few days later we got back together, he changed for a few weeks, but now we are back to square one.
We had a big fight today because it was 4 in the morning and my little one had woken up for the 6th time and i asked him for help, he refused and this morning told me he shouldn’t have to wake up during the night because again, he works more than me and i have time during the day to take a nap. Fair enough, I do have more time than him but I still don’t think i should do everything?? I feed her, make her food, bath her, play with her, make sure she’s happy, help around the house, make dinner, washing, i also have to walk our dog every night because he gave me the dog as a present 3 years ago and its ‘my dog my responsibility’.
I don’t mind doing all these things, i love my little girl to pieces, shes my world, but I’m so tired of it always being me.
I think one of the reasons we are arguing so much is because we dont have our own space, our own house, my parents aren’t easy to live with but they are helping out as much as they can and my boyfriend isnt thankful at all to them and is always bickering with my mum over little stupid things.
I need some advise as in should i wait until we get our own place and see if things get better? Or should I just end things now?
I have my families support but he doesnt really have anyone, his closest mates are a 4 hour drive away, so if we do break up im unsure how it would work with the little one?
I dont feels the same way about him, not like at the beginning, many things he does irritates me and i feel so unhappy all the time, also we have been at my parents house for about a year and still haven’t saved up any money, we bought a car and now need to save up a lot of money for rent, nursery, furniture everything so we aren’t moving any time soon.
I feel so down and it will break my heart, and his because i know he does love me but I just don’t know what to do any more, please help, any advice welcome!!
Thank you all xx


One thought on “Hello, could I please have a ppp? This may be a little long so please bear with…

  • Talk to him, explain your feelings and see if he’s willing to put in more effort? If you don’t feel the same about him though and are unhappy it might be better if you called it a day for the meantime, it’s better your daughter having separated happy parents than one unhappy home, Talk first though he may surprise you if he wants use to stay together he should be willing to support you help more and give you a break, good luck xxx


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