Mums Advice

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Hey can I have a private post please. How do other mums deal with bad behaviour?…

Hey can I have a private post please. How do other mums deal with bad behaviour? My son is 2.5 and tests the boundaries daily. Im finding myself worked up and cross all the time, and I am struggling to enjoy parenthood. Also if i get cross he cries for his granny which leaves me feeling worthless. Generally the thing that gets to me the most is being ignored, I.e. if I ask him to help me tidy his toys he just ignores me and watches me do it after I’ve asked 5/6 times. Other things include him spitting his drinks or throwing his dinner or saying no to me often. I try my best to make each day fun for him but I find the times that I take him somewhere nice and treat him to new things is when he plays up the most. Do other parents use time out and if so where/what do you do? I’m a single parent so I’m with him 24/7. I’m reading the toddler taming book to get some info but would like to hear other points of view. I suffer badly with depression and anxiety and I’m getting counselling also but I think these factors could contribute as to why I feel so wound up all the time. I would just like to go to bed at nights not feeling like a failure for being angry or cross.


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