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Hi can I have a personal post please? I’m nearly 18 and I’m going out with a g…

Hi can I have a personal post please?

I’m nearly 18 and I’m going out with a guy who’s 30. I have a child myself from a previous relationship. But he’s been married and he isn’t divorced yet. He has 3 kids himself. I like him a lot, I have feelings for him. He is a great guy. Cares for his kids, works 2 jobs and is self employed, car, house the lot. My only problem is the age. I’m worried, I keep thinking what does he want me with?😣 18 year old girl at home and still has at answer to her mum and dad. He is only allowed to stay on he couch which I know he doesn’t like. But as long as I’m under my mum’s roof I will respect her. And no way am I moving in with him yet 😂 we tell eachother we care for eachtoger but yet we are always arguing like really bad. it’s been 2 months. And I want it to last longer. But I don’t know how to keep it going without him thinking she’s a kid? Any advice ladies?


14 thoughts on “Hi can I have a personal post please? I’m nearly 18 and I’m going out with a g…

  • Only advice I have is if it’s only been 2 months and you’re arguing alot already then leave. Don’t carry on untill it’s too late and you have ties to him etc.
    The longer you stay the harder it is to leave. 2 months should still be the honeymoon period. It shouldn’t be like that already 🙂

  • I met my partner when I was 19 he was 40!! We’ve been together 10 years 3 kids! N I’ve got step children too!! Age is just a number!!! But if your arguing this early in the relationship then it’s not looking too promising! Talk too him and see what he wants from the relationship! Either sort it that way or call it a day! U should still be in the butterflies in the tummy..heart skips a beat can’t keep your hands off each other stage!! 🙂

  • Theres 16 years between me and my partner been together 6years and have 2 kids, age is just a number but if your arguing already thats not good- get out now! Nice to hear you respect yor parents though 🙂 X

  • There’s 13 years between me and my partner. We’ve been together 4&1/2 years with 2 children. Age is just a number and shouldn’t be an issue. If your arguing already then you need to leave as others have said 2 months in should be the honey moon period where everything is magical. We’ve stayed in our honeymoon phase up until 2 weeks ago and now we’re having some problems. It’s good you respect your parents though x

  • There’s 17.5yrs between me and my fiance. 7yrs later we have an 18mo and own our own home.. 2months in should still be your honeymoon period… What’s to argue about when you hardly know each other.. I’d leave on that basis not the age x

  • There is nothing wrong with an age gap but I’d be worried about arguing after 2 months. If he has his own house then why can you not stay at his house rather than his sleeping on your parents sofa also? Xxx

  • I started seeing my now husband when I was 18 and he was 34… been together 7 years, married for 6 with 2 kiddies. We don’t even notice the age difference anymore xx

  • Age isn’t necessarily the problem its the arguing already . What are u arguing about if its age related or because of u livin at ur moms etc then that’s stuff that can change but if it’s say trust issues or somethin then not worth it really cuz u shouldnt have those yet! Do u think because ur abit insecure on why hes with u that u cause rows about stuff u dont need to without knowing it?

  • Age doesn’t matter, he’s obviously with you because he wants to be and it doesn’t matter to him. I think the real issue here is that your arguing already, what can you be arguing about after two months? Maybe you should sit down together and find out where you both want the relationship to go?

  • Well tbh I’ve always thought if ur mature enough then age doesn’t matter but ur saying use are arguing really bad and it’s only been two months? That’s like the fun part of the relationship, doing things and getting to know eachother, I don’t really see what use have to argue over in that short amount of time? But talk to him and let him know ur feelings because relationships don’t work without communication and honesty x

  • I was 18 when I met my partner he was 31 we been together 8 years and have a 3 year old , the age gap is always there but as long as you like each other what does it matter 🙂 xx

  • 20 between me an my partner. Age is just a number. 2 months is still early days. What’s the arguing about


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