Hi, can I have a ppp? Me and my partner have been together 2 years and we have a…
Hi, can I have a ppp?
Me and my partner have been together 2 years and we have a 5 month old daughter. My boyfriend has always had trouble controlling his temper, but lately all he has done is call me horrible names. A bitch, dick, twat, every name under the sun. He tells me to piss off/fuck off, tells me to shut up, tells me he doesn’t want to talk to me etc. Sometimes he can be the most amazing man ever who I am so in love with and other days he is the most horrible person I know. I love him and our little family but I’ve told him so many times how he makes me feel when he talks to me like that and he still continues to do it. I don’t want us to end but I am fed up of being upset about him. What do you ladies think I should do? I’m so stuck 😩
Please no bashing, it’s the last thing I need.
Read this back and think what you would tell your child to do if that was them going through it!! Do you want your children growing up learning that’s how they get treated or treat their partners?
If you spoke to him an he hasn’t changed then that’s how things are going to be. If you really want to save your family I suggest counseling or anger management because you can’t do it alone. Good luck x
If he carries on it’s gonna ruin your mental health he is never gonna change they always say they will he wouldn’t do it if he loved u x
Explain to him you need to put your child first an you dont want her to see him treat you like this as she will grow up to think its ok to treat ppl like that. Your daughter will also pick up on the atmosphere an it will be upsetting for her aswel as you x
End it why would you allow your self to be in that situation sounds like a idiot no one should be spoken to like that. What would you do if your daughter boyfriend was speaking to her like that would you want her being with someone like that ?