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Hi, can I have a private post please A new couple with a baby moved onto my ro…

Hi, can I have a private post please

A new couple with a baby moved onto my road a couple of weeks ago, everytime I walk down the street and go past their house they have all their windows open and it stinks of cannabis. I didn’t really want to say anything but a couple of days ago I was walking under a subway and the girl had her baby in a pram asleep and she’d stopped, as I walked into the subway she looked to be sniffing something and it stunk of cannabis again, as I walked through the joint was on the floor. Should I report this?


25 thoughts on “Hi, can I have a private post please A new couple with a baby moved onto my ro…

  • Hi can you reply to Emmah on my post please, yeah I saw her as I went around the corner she looked to be sniffing something and had what I though was a cigarette in her hand but when I went into the subway it stunk of cannabis and the joint was on the floor. Sorry I didn’t make that clear.

  • Sorry please could you add to my post. I won’t get involved 👍🏻 I was just concerned for the child’s safety. I’ve never taken drugs so I don’t know the affects it has on people, if some of you ladies that have said you take drugs or your partner takes drugs and can still meet your child’s/children’s needs then that’s fine. I was just looking for advice on what I should do.

  • is the child or children untidy messy house unfed unlooked is there people in and out the house at daft o’clock at night is the mother and farther abusing or shouting at the child for every little thing if not dont bother because my partner smoked cannabis and my child is well looked after are you going to report me have you ever thought he or she could be battling depression just because they smoke green does not make them bad people or cannot parent their child correctly because they are high

  • Yes, no decent parent carries on smoking cannabis when they have kids especially in front of them. It may not be the worst thing in the world but a chat from SS should scare them into acting responsibly I.e giving it up or at least smoking it outside

  • I can’t believe the amount of comments bashing the poster. Is it ok to smoke green round your kids then? Is this the norm? My poor fellas been freezing his knackers off all winter after work when the kids are in bed stood outside cos I won’t have it anywhere near my kids, it’s his choice but he does it away from the kids, well until he quit 6weeks ago it may not be a social services matter but I’d perhaps have a word and just say you’re concerned they’re smoking it around the little one, you’ll either get a smack in the nose and a mouthful or there’ll be mortified and apologise not that it’s harming you obviously but I’d talk to them 👌

  • So they smoke weed? As long as the baby dosent have a joint sticking out of its mouth (or nose 😂) isit your place to judge them? Please respect the privacy of others, I’m sure next time you pour yourself a glass of wine the police/social should know about that to. 🙄 each to their own and all that.

  • I can’t believe that people are actually justifying smoking weed with a baby in the house! Even a cigarette I think it’s disgusting! I know this is all a matter of opinion and that’s why no one will win these arguments but seriously that poor baby!!!!

  • The weed is not always the problem but leads to other issues. no money for food. Neglect of children. How can you look after a child safely if you take so much you can’t look after yourself. Most children taken into care come from families with drug or alcohol issues. That’s a fact

  • Over a bit of weed people like you waste socials time coming out for that instead of kids that actually need help keep ya nose out

  • I dont smoke cannabis but its going to be legal soon 🎊🎉. The effects cbd has for so many different illnesses is amazing. Anything low thc & high in cbd is literally amazing and helping people with so many different issues. Epilepsy being one of them. So many places in america now prescribe it for children, saying that i think when its smoked you burn out a lot of its medicinal purposes. Still though, a parent that has a glass or two of wine is probably more a risk than someone that has a smoke. X

  • Wow I can’t believe how much of a bashing this lady is getting,, i think that if people were a lot more concerned and caring about others around them there wouldn’t be so many terrible things that seem to be happening to children these days,, and not that I’m suggesting that these parents would bring harm to the baby,,, but it just shows that people still care,, no wonder so much stuff goes unnoticed when this is the kind of bashing you get for voicing a concern,, why would people speak up.

  • Smoking weed is one thing but for the house to smell that must mean they smoke it inside!!! i am a mother of 3 my oartner has 2 business’s, we never go out or treat ourselves. Our house is clean and the kids want for nothing…..we smoke weed but never ever in the house or around the kids!!! thats when it crosses the line. People say weed bad altogether need to give there heads a wobble. I smoke at night in the garden when the kids are in bed as a bit of ‘me’ time and i get all sorts of shit. Yet some of my nates drink a full bottle of wine at night and thats ok because it’s legal…..i think not!!! one glass and i wouldn’t dare look after my kids. xx

  • i aint got a problem with it apart from the disgusting smell, my child would never be allowed in a house where i know its smoked, is this the only issue u have? if there are other things concerning you on top of that then report but if its just that then id leave it n move on

  • I agree with letting people live their own lives and trying not to be too much of a busy body but if the house stinks of it then that’s not fair on the little one. He or she’s not asking to be inhaling that!! It you’re true to your word then have a word with the couple if you feel you can.

  • Sorry am not being funny but you must know people who smoke cannabis to know what it smells like and what a joint looks like or you have smoked it your self and did you know THC oils cure cancer seizures, calm people with ADHD people with certain disability it help also helps with pain to so if your going to tell you your that totally against cannabis would you refuse treatment of cannabis to make your child live or make your self better think about that one

  • For a parent to drink and smoke cigarettes should they have social services involved a drunken parent can be incapable and smoking causes whats the difference really in a smoking weed.tbh i cant see the problem yes it might smell but how do you know the child in the same room? ?? And outside its no difference to a parent smoking a fag whilst pushing a pram.

  • W t f am I actually reading ppl tryin to justify them self’s or partners for smoking weed lol idiots yes of course it matters you shouldn’t be under the influence of drugs while you ave your child ffs smoking weed relaxes your responses and slows you down makes you tired you can’t look after a child in that state not to mention it can cause COT DEATH ffs grow up and think of ya kids not your self’s selfish idiots yes I would report them the child deserves better than bein around that horrible smell ffs

  • 2bh I don’t agree with parents who take drugs when they have children in their care anything could happen to that child and their out their faces people who take drugs shouldn’t be allowed children if u can’t give drugs up for ur kids then dinni open your legs!!!!

  • Yes definitely, I recently completed a child protection course and members of the public have a “duty of care” I believe it is called to report any incident where you think a child is at risk and this child is if its being exposed to drugs xx

  • smoking in a house is vile ino someone that does this with weed an fags it’s just wrong on many levels. if u wana smoke go outside so baby’s/kids aren’t round the crap winds me up when people smoke round thier kids it’s wrong don’t care what people say.

  • can i say I would definitly alert children’s services, everybody has a duty to safeguard children. you would rather report and be wrong than leave it and something terrible be happening. the family might need support. x

  • It is a scientific fact that cannabis harms and alters the brain especially those that are still developing so just like cigarettes it shudnt be smoked around children – it is not the same as a parent having a glass of wine is it

  • She was sniffing something then u seen the joint , what was she doing getting high by sniffing it ? 😂

  • This post has actually annoyed me. This persons asking if she should report these people and HELL YEAH she should. Smoking weed doesn’t make you a bad parent, i can talk hippie all day about how much better it is for you than alcohol, tobacco or even prescriptions. BUT, smoking infront of a child, smoking in the house were the childrens clothes and toys are, or even looking after a child. Cannabis makes you alot slower at reactions, its a true fact. What if the child was to come to harm and the parent isnt quick enough to react? What if an ambulance would be too slow so they have to drive whilst high? If you have seen them then report it 100% x

  • This is a hard one because there is a lot of people who take this and because its legal to do so there is not much you can do. But on the other hand unless you have proof they are doing it round the child you will be wasting your time. I personaly and am not bothered if I get jumped on but I am very against weed (I have my reasons to why) and personaly think it should be illegal unless it’s used for cancer patients etc but not aloud for just general use. If you really feel like the child’s in danger then please phone because if you didn’t and something did happen you would never forgive yourself. Least you can say you tried. Good luck hun. ❤ x


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