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Hi can I have a private post please, I’m really struggling to deal with my 2 and…

Hi can I have a private post please, I’m really struggling to deal with my 2 and a half year old little girl at the minute, she just seems like a nightmare child, hitting, biting, scratching, she won’t go on the potty screams the house down. i feel like the worst mummy in the world and feel like I’m constantly telling her off! Please someone tell me this is normal..x


8 thoughts on “Hi can I have a private post please, I’m really struggling to deal with my 2 and…

  • Bless hun ur not alone..
    My lil girl is 19 months n exactly the same my boys were so much easier even my 2 n half yr old is picking up her habbits now she constantly shouts screams hits bites…iv started putting her in her cot to calm down as of yesterday hoping it might calm now 6 yr old sister was the same but grew out of it once started nursry we use to tell her we will tell her teachers n she stopped
    Not sure of what the solution is..but wanted to let u know i think most mums go through it non of us hav perfect kids

  • Breath hun when she acts like tht out her in time out and ignore her if she moves put her back without saying anything until shr calmd dwn and does her time explain to her why you put her in time out and for the potty dont rush her my son wasnt ready until hes 3rd birthday a few days after hes birthday ( 13 april ) we started and now uses the toilet took a while to move from the potty to the toilet as he was scared but now no fuss at all!! Xx

  • Dont argue with her either as that what she wants dont yell simple take her to time out and ignore her leave her there for 2 mins even if she screams and cries leave her my son does 3 mins as hes 3 and says sorry when hes calmed down which sometimes can be 30 mins xx

  • It’s normal. I have a 6&4yr old boys I spend 80% of my time telling them off and breaking up fights! On the other hand their angels when their sleeping lol.

  • Its called terrible 2s lol my little one 16 months and shes the same lol throws herself down screaming and stuff, ul get thru it x

  • It gets worse!!! My 2 and 3 year old are being feckin arse holes at the moment!!! I suggest wine and lots of it!!! Either that or do what I do and lock them in a cage!!! X

  • She will settle small steps maybe take the potty away she may not b ready wen she’s screaming hitting biting sit her down an tell her no then dive into a distraction technique I find singing dancing generally making an arse ov myself stops my lil one mid tantrum hope this comment is useful

  • Stay strong, we’re going through the same and it feels like all I do some days is tell her off. It does get easier


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