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Hi can I have a private post please x Need some thoughts and advice Me and my…

Hi can I have a private post please x
Need some thoughts and advice šŸ˜ž
Me and my boyfriend recently split after nearly 2 years. It was a bit out of the blue and we are both really hurting…
He had a bit of a breakdown after a really stressful time and our relationship was great but there were things wrong we didn’t talk about.
We’ve both said we are each other’s missing peices, we have never been in love like this and this is the best thing we have ever had. He’s insisting he can’t be in a relationship atm because he needs to learn to be strong on his own but he’s struggling as much As i am to get over it because of how great we were and being each other’s best friend. I know in time we could work things out but he’s insisting we can’t. Do I move on? Or listen to my gut instinct to give him time?


3 thoughts on “Hi can I have a private post please x Need some thoughts and advice Me and my…

  • Please add to my post. I’m really confused last night he told me he’s struggling with it but can’t even think about is getting back together and we had a big chat about everything that was wrong. I told him all this bad stuff can be fixed easily but he’s said it’s too much pressure right now. But then said to me “it’s the best thing I’ve ever had and I love you” so my minds all over the place šŸ˜ž I know I don’t want anyone else but him

  • Move on, don’t move on. Don’t wait for us to tell you what to do. Do what you feel is right. Obviously you weren’t great together as whatever probs you had you would have discussed them and not broken up.

  • Give him time. If it was the other way round you wouldn’t want him to just move on would you? X


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