Mums Advice

General advice from parent to parent

14 thoughts on “Hi, can i pls get an advice anonymously **** Its for a friend. What everyone’s …

  • i think theres alot worse things he could be doing.. drinking or other strong drugs.. i think if he has a smoke at night when the kids are in bed and the children dont go without and he works hard and its outside i really dont see a problem with it to be honest..

  • I would never be in a relationship with anyone who smokes weed and if they started the relationship would be over. I dont even like cigs 😂

  • Umm hell no! And with alcohol I’m a two drinks max! If you can’t get in a car and drive because you’ve smoked/ drank then you shouldn’t be responsible for tiny humans!

  • If it’s illegal, It’s illegal. You have children to worry about and the consequences out weigh the rewards greatly.

  • As long as the kids are in bed and they can smoke to chill and not be wasted I don’t see the issue.

  • No. Shouldn’t be smoking it at all. The money spent on that could be spent on the children x

  • Make sure he is smoking outside and not left alone with the children while under the influence. There’s alot worse things being done in this day and age tbh. Yes it’s not a ideal situation but f it’s already being done u have to find best way to deal with it x

  • Yeah he can smoke it as much as he wants as long as he’s 1000 miles away from my kids!!

    I smoke fags but stand outside in rain fog and snow Neva would I smoke under the same roof as my kids let alone weed


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