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Hi could I have a post please My daughter aged 10 is due to go on a week long t…

Hi could I have a post please
My daughter aged 10 is due to go on a week long trip to Germany with the school in a weeks time. I am terrified and don’t want her to go after all that has happened recently but her dad is insisting on her going but I’m beside myself with worry I really don’t know how I will cope. My question is would you allow your child to go on the trip? They aren’t allowed to contact home while there either 😔


20 thoughts on “Hi could I have a post please My daughter aged 10 is due to go on a week long t…

  • Please would you be able to reply on my post
    The trip is for five days, there is a ratio of 10 children to 1 teacher parents aren’t allowed to go. They will be visiting a farmers market, water park (she can’t swim) and a chocolate factory while there. They are staying in a private house with a gated entrance. My daughter said she wouldn’t be too upset if she had to miss it but isn’t worried about attacks happening. Her dad will not let her stay home x

  • My daughter went to Switzerland at aged 10 for 12 days with guides ( no contact home as this can make the child home sick!) she’s now 11 and going to London the end of July for a weekend again with guides! Then next year she’s going to Croatia for 12 days again with guides! Am I worried yes as every parent would be even if everything which has been happening was not happening! She’s getting to go to place we would not of taken her to! I don’t want my children living/growing up in fear x x

  • What? A ten year old going away for a week and not allowed to contact home?! What if they get homesick? I think that’s ridiculous and that alone would make me not want to let her go! I think better safe than sorry at the moment to be honest, I’m making sure I don’t even travel through London to get to our uk holiday so I wouldn’t be letting my children go abroad right now 😕

  • 10!!! Wow. I just this Monday let my 12 year old fly to Barcelona with the school. I was and still am terrified. But when the school sends photos through how could I take this experience away from her. Not everyone is bad and that’s what I hold on to.

  • I would say no … but only because I believe she’s too young to go that far without her parents but also because the no contact thing , That’s just daft….
    But if she was able to contact you and maybe 3 years older I’d say yes … people shouldn’t miss out on stuff because of terrorism.
    It can happen anywhere, anytime. Make sure u and ur daughter enjoy your lives and make the most out of every second.

  • My daughter is 11, and she’s in Paris on a school trip as we speak, until Friday. This afternoon there was an incident at notre dame cathedral and a man tried to attack a police officer with a hammer and shots were fired. I read this on the internet after I had got home from school with my other children. I won’t say I didn’t feel fear and a little sick when I saw the headline “gunshots heard in Paris” I sat down and read the article, thought ok, no one has been hurt and police are there, then i checked my daughters itinerary to see where they were meant to be this afternoon, then I checked the school website where there was an immediate update from the teachers who are on the trip, stating that the children are safe and were not near the area. Then later on a further email saying if necessary they will change any plans for the week but keep us fully informed. Their accommodation is outside the centre of Paris and I feel confident in the safety of my daughter and that the school has her safety as their main priority. I know where she is, who she’s with and what she’s doing. I am happy with that.
    My point to you is, you cannot stop living, if your child wants to go on the trip you should let them go. I don’t want my child to miss out on all the opportunities that are available to her.

  • I don’t think I’d feel comfortable letting my child go on any abroad trips until she was 13 ish, and that’s even without the worry of the terrors attacks. Although it’s been a long time since I was at school (I’m 41) I only ever had a day trip to France and 1 uk residential trip at 15/16

  • Oh my goodness there’s going to be a load of kids leading very sheltered lives in this generation 😂 she’s 10 not 2. She’s going away with the school not a bunch of strangers. How could you take this wonderful experience away from your daughter. I will admit I would be gutted with the no contact thing but I understand why it’s a thing. Don’t ruin your daughters childhood with all your adult worries

  • What has happened is horrible and I can’t even begin to image how the family’s of those who have died are feeling but if we all start living in fear then these deluded people have won. They want to interfere with our lives and stop us living them. Right now we need to carry on as normal and show them that they will not win. Xx

  • NO WAY IN HELL!!!! I would get a divorce first before I would let her go!!! I have a 9 yr old and no way!!! I would run away with her n hide out till trip is over ..WHATEVER I HAD TO DO..BUT SHE WOULD NOT GO!!!!

  • How long is this trip? Are parents allowed to go? What’s the purpose of this trip? Why isn’t contact allowed? How many kids are going on this trip? What places they’ll be going to? Where would they be staying? Hmm

  • We can’t stop living. If we do then these scum bags win. Question is, does your 10year old want to go?
    Everything that’s going on could happen anywhere… She could be walking home from school or at the shops. I know it must be hard and tbh you have every right to be worried but it would be a shame to stop living life because of these scum bags x

  • I went to Italy for a week with school when I was 11. Had the best time ever, let her go she will have the best time ever and I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it when she’s back x

  • My childs 10 theres no way id let her go right now. Shes supposed to be goin manchester this week and im not lettin her go. If i was with her it would be different x

  • 100% no way would I let my daughter go.. Yeah she may be upset or your daughters dad might be grumpy but with everything going on your better safe than sorry x

  • My son as I type is on work experience at Longmoor army barracks, in four weeks time he is off to Germany too, yes it’s scary and yes I will worry, but the truth is anything can happen anywhere, the local tram crash saw people we knew lose their lives 😢 but we still use the trams, London was targeted but we will still go to London, try and carry on but have your wits about you, teach your children safety and what to do should the worst happen, how does your son feel? Is he worried?


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