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Hi could I have a private post please.. long story shortish my son is 3 and has…

Hi could I have a private post please..
long story shortish my son is 3 and has never slept a full night he was manageable before turning 1 and a half and then he just turned defiant against everything 4 months ago me and his dad split up and he sees him Saturday until Sunday weekly. I had my son referred by the doctors as I thought there was potentially behaviour issues there and the health visitor sent him for an hearing test (which came back perfect) and then I received a letter which they had put it down to inexperienced parenting. She did turn very patronising when she found out I had a baby after my son who sadly was born sleeping at 34 weeks and when she asked my age (22) she then wouldn’t take anything I said seriously. Now my worrying concerns are he wakes up in the night 3 times every single night and won’t fully go back to sleep until I get in bed, he screams and shouts at me, kicks and hits me, punches himself in the face, spits at me and if I warn him he will go to bed or on the naughty step he will reply with well I will punch the naughty step, he thinks if he’s naughty he can go to his dads in his own words and he won’t listen to a single thing I do I’ve tried everything and I’m so worn out with it all his dad won’t agree to help anymore than the Saturday and half of Sunday and I feel like I’m getting to the point I can’t cope with him I’ve spent the last few weeks crying about it I’m at my wits end. I have a doctors appointment to try and get him referred this week but please I need any advice on what I can do 😩 thank you and sorry it’s so long x


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